Terminatrix: A Glimpse into a Future Abounding in Artificial Intelligence

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Basic Information About the Film:

A group of rebels captures an android–a female robot assassin–and reprograms her to fight against a sinister government. The first project–“Genesis”– goes awry for Dr. Peter Hess (Roberto Lombardi) who works for the government. Genesis kills his wife, and Dr. Hess creates a new one named after his wife–the female android, “Lia.” However, as the circumstances surrounding the second project, as was the case with the first one, did not go according to plans, thanks to the rebel group.

Thoughts About the Movie:

The movie presents a glimpse of how artificial intelligence might be used when it comes to warfare. Even more so, the film emphasizes the potential dangers of AI. For example, here is one quote from Dr. Hess about what the government was attempting to create:

“AI is very tricky, with many unforeseeable variables. This is Pandora’s box we’re opening here.”

I would have included that quote and the conversation in context in the beginning of the film. Dr. Hess was reflecting back on the conversation after he discovered the unpredictability of the projects. However, the depictions of android weapons also point to potential benefits during a war, where they would see “less bloodshed.”

Brief Summary:

Overall, I liked how the film depicts AI in the form of an android and how the idea relates to potential uses of artificial intelligence in the future including wars. You might say the movie is prophetic in that way, as the concept is not at all far-fetched in the times in which we live. The movie presents artificial intelligence as something that people can use for beneficial purposes–saving lives in the midst of wars and other conflicts. However, the film rightfully shows the dark side of AI as well.


“Terminatrix” (2013) is not only interesting but also relatable. I found the movie to be informative and insightful regarding potential uses of AI and what is going on today with the rapidly expanding technology. Therefore, the film is worth watching.

Note: I am a bit confused regarding the title of the movie. As I understand it, “Terminatrix” is the title of a film from the 1990s. However, I also see the title: “Perfect: Android Rising” (2013). When you look this up, search also for the title “Perfect: Android Rising.”